Modernized Mao's Black Categories


November 8, 2024

To those who are unlettered, the Five Black Catagories are people who are landlords, rich farmers, counter-revolutionaries, bad influencers, and rightists. People who appertain to be any of the Five Black categories were discriminated against by societies and were targeted by the Cultural Revolution. These people were subject to constant persecution and even massacres. While I diverge with Chairman Mao's idea of slaughtering people of opposing ideals, I believe his system of categories could be applied to unrehabilitatableĀ transgressors. Achieving an altruistic party involves eliminating certain culpable malfeasants. An ideal party, government, or even governing system requires all of its people to live in integration. People such as Sex Offenders, Rapists, and for the sake of being extensive, any person or persons involved in sex-related crimes should be subject to not only societal chagrin but to face capital punishment. A mutual ground I share with Chairman Mao grows from mutual hatred of one of the most callous and pitiless professions, none other than landlords. Anyone who has been beggared or indigent knows the cantankerous behaviors of landlords. Specifically, slumlords. The inhumane act of restricting one's access to living essentials for the sole purpose of equity is nothing short of nonhuman. To have one's humanity so impaired that they benefit impoverished people leaves them subhuman.