Credits and Honorable Mentions of Influences


As it stands, the greatest influences are as follows. There is no specific order. I will state the persons full name, occupation, and reason for influencing.

  • Malcom X, African American revolutionary, Muslim minister and human rights activist, demonstrated wisdom and strength through speeches and debates.
  • Black Panthers Party, Organization, Fought to protect African Americans from Police Brutality. Powerfully showed resilience and strength.
  • Karl Marx, philosopher, political theorist, economist, historian, sociologist, journalist, and revolutionary socialist, protected rights of workers and established a communist party.
  • Martin Luther King JR, a Baptist minister, activist, and political philosopher, used beautiful similies and metaphores with speeches that changed the world.
  • Vladimir Lenin, a Russian revolutionary, politician and political theorist, established the communist USSR and did as most as possible before his death.
  • Leonard Cohen, a songwriter, singer, poet, artist, and novelist, he portrayed themes of feminism and equality in beautiful poetry and angelic songwritting that changed the world.
  • Kurt Cobain, an artist, musician and outspoken civil/womens right activist, used his position of fame to intercommunicate his ideas of equality with the world.
  • Elie Wiesel, a survivor of the Holocaust, political activist, and author who has amazing speaking abilities with his beautiful storytelling and viewpoints.