Credits and Honorable Mentions of Influences
As it stands, the greatest influences are as follows. There is no specific order. I will state the persons full name, occupation, and reason for influencing.
Malcom X, African American revolutionary, Muslim minister and human rights activist, demonstrated wisdom and strength through speeches and debates.
Black Panthers Party, Organization, Fought to protect African Americans from Police Brutality. Powerfully showed resilience and strength.
Karl Marx, philosopher, political theorist, economist, historian, sociologist, journalist, and revolutionary socialist, protected rights of workers and established a communist party.
Martin Luther King JR, a Baptist minister, activist, and political philosopher, used beautiful similies and metaphores with speeches that changed the world.
Vladimir Lenin, a Russian revolutionary, politician and political theorist, established the communist USSR and did as most as possible before his death.
Leonard Cohen, a songwriter, singer, poet, artist, and novelist, he portrayed themes of feminism and equality in beautiful poetry and angelic songwritting that changed the world.
Kurt Cobain, an artist, musician and outspoken civil/womens right activist, used his position of fame to intercommunicate his ideas of equality with the world.
Elie Wiesel, a survivor of the Holocaust, political activist, and author who has amazing speaking abilities with his beautiful storytelling and viewpoints.